This privacy policy explains how we use and protect any and all personal and customer information we hold, whether it relates to our customers, potential customers, job candidates, partners, or third-party service providers.
Our Commitment to Privacy
Oderpy Media Advertising is committed to conducting its business in accordance with ethically in line with all applicable Data Protection laws and regulations. We take responsibility for maintaining and protecting the customer information that we hold. We review this policy and our internal data protection policy and practices on a regular basis to ensure that we are in compliance with applicable legislation and current best practices.
What we collect
We may collect the following information:
Name and job title.
Business information including postal and billing addresses and website address;
Contact information including email address and phone number.
Banking details.
Demographic information such as postcode, preferences, and interests;
Cookie information (explained in more detail below);
Other information is relevant to a project that we may supply a quote for or information relevant to managing a project that we are contracted to work with you on.
We collect customer information for one or more of the following purposes:
To provide the service we have been contracted to provide;
To maintain customer relationships, communicate with our customers, and avoid conflicts of interest;
To understand customer requirements and make information available regarding products and services offered by Oderpy Media Advertising;
To contact you in response to the communications you have directed at us;
To manage and develop oderpy Media Advertising ’ business and operations;
To meet legal and regulatory requirements;
To gauge website user interest and to enhance future website user experiences.
Why do we process your information?
We will only collect and use your personal information in accordance with data protection laws. Our grounds for processing your personal information are as follows:
Consent – Where necessary we will only collect and process your personal information if you have consented for us to do so.
Legitimate Interests – We may use and process some of your personal information where we have sensible and legitimate business grounds for doing so. Under European privacy laws, there is a concept of “legitimate interests” as a justification for processing your personal information. Our legitimate interests for processing your personal information are:
to enable you to access and use our website and other digital tools we may provide as part of our service;
to communicate with you about our service or make information available regarding products and services offered by Odepry Media Advertising ;
to improve our website.
Controlling your information
All individuals who are the subject of personal data held by Oderpy Media Advertising are entitled to:
Ask what information the company holds about them
Ask what the purpose of the data is
Receive a copy of the data
Be informed how to keep it up to date
Object to the use of the data
Request the data is corrected, rectified, restricted, moved, or erased
Subject access requests must be made in writing to the London office address, for the attention of the Data Request Team or by email to data request [at]
The subject access request will be responded to within 40 days. The company will require proof of identification to verify the subject access request before handing over any information.
Affiliate disclosure
Oderpy Media Advertising is an affiliate of many online tools, services, and products. Links on this website may be affiliate links and Oderpy Media Advertising LTD may earn commissions for purchases that are made by visitors to the Site. These are promotional links that can be used to track a visitor’s purchase and credit it to Oderpy Media Advertising LTD. This comes at no additional cost to you and our goal is to provide the very best reviews and recommendations. If you have any questions, please contact us.